April 22, 2024

Cowley Cares for Teaching Professionals

Emilee Wilke giving a presentation

The 8th Annual Cowley C.A.R.E.S. Conference was a resounding success! With fifty-two early childhood educators in attendance, the event provided a valuable opportunity for professionals to come together, learn, and share their experiences. The theme of "Together We Build" seems fitting for an event focused on teamwork and enhancing the quality of early childhood education.

The well-organized schedule offered a variety of presentations covering topics like infant and toddler development, meal planning, managing chaos, and fostering creativity through art and storytelling. An additional benefit to the conference was the attendees receiving a total of six Professional Development hours, which are crucial for staying current and effective in the field.

Janet Clasen's leadership as the Director of Early Childhood Education undoubtedly played a key role in the conference's success. Her emphasis on collaboration, networking, and celebration reflects a commitment to fostering a supportive and enriching community for early childhood educators.

Events like these are essential for promoting continuous learning, sharing best practices, and ultimately improving outcomes for young children. Congrats to Cowley College Childcare and Development for hosting such a valuable and impactful event, and thank you to Rebecca Holman, Emilee Wilke (Cowley REACH), Becky Reid, Merry Kirkpatrick, Jamie Hibbs, and Jo Brazil for your outstanding presentations.

Hunter Ferguson | Integrated Communications Specialist
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005