August 29, 2023

Busy week for Cowley College Golden Tigers program

Golden Tigers sign up desk

With enrollment at its main campus in Arkansas City and its Sumner Campus in Wellington, the Cowley College Golden Tigers is on pace to have more than 200 individuals in the program.

Golden Tigers coordinator Micah Fry enjoys this time of year.

“Kicking off the Golden Tigers semester is always such a fun time,” Fry said. “It was so lovely to catch up with everyone after the summer break. Our day trips are always a hit, but I don’t think I could have predicted how excited everyone would be for a “Mystery Trip.” We will definitely have to offer another one in the future.”

The Golden Tigers have added two classes not published in the newsletter. Partnering with Gottlob Lawn and Landscape, The Golden Tigers are offering two fun evening classes that are open to Golden Tigers and adults of any age. On September 25 from 7-8:30 p.m., Golden Tigers will make Succulent Pumpkins. It is $13 for a medium pumpkin and $32 for a standard size.

“We will be planting succulents atop pumpkins for a fun fall décor piece,” Fry said.

Then, on November 28, the Golden Tigers will have a fresh evergreen wreath-making class. The class will run from 6-7:30 p.m., costing $40.

The Golden Tigers still have open seats on its first-day trip of the semester to Oklahoma City. This trip is on September 13, as the group will visit the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum and the First Americans Museum.

Anyone interested in joining the fun can enroll with Micah Fry at 620-441-5225 or

Rama Peroo | Director of Institutional Communication
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005