b'Cowley College celebrates 100 years of service With the first official day of classesEarlier this year, Cowley College wasA rendering of the new Career and at Cowley College beginning onawarded $4 million from the StateTechnical Education Center was September 12, 1922, the CollegeDepartment of Commerce to constructunveiled to those in attendance. held a Proclamation Celebration ona new Career and Technical EducationWith the new Career and Technical September 1, 2022, in the RobertCenter. These resources require aEducation Center to be built on Brown Theatre. The event also sharedone-for-one match, and the Collegethe main campus, students will be the vision for the future Career andis in the process of raising this matchtrained to fill high-wage, high-demand Technical Education Center to be builtfor this critically important projectpositions, Senator Alley said. This is on the main campus in Arkansas City.not only for the College but, mostan investment in our future that I am Jessica Lucas, Cowley Collegeimportantly, to meet the workforceproud to support. government affairs liaison, emceeddemands of the region. Wednesdays event.This is a milestone opportunity forIt was then time for Lieutenant the school and will pose a whole newGovernor David Toland to read the Reaching 100 years of education isability for Cowley College to provideProclamation from Kansas Governor an incredible milestone for Cowleyeducation long into the future, LucasLaura Kelly. College, Lucas said. You dontsaid.I, Laura Kelly, Governor of the State reach 100 years of success withoutof Kansas, do hereby proclaim the day strong leaders, and Cowley CollegeRepresentative Bill Rhiley said noof September 12, 2022, as the 100th has certainly been richly blessed byone knows what the next 100 years willanniversary of Cowley College in the a community of people that haveconsist of, but Cowley College will bestate of Kansas, and I urge all citizens dedicated themselves to supportingan affordable solution for individualsto join in this observation, Governor investments in the local communityseeking job skills and training.Kelly said. college. Those investments haveKansas will continue to need Cowley resulted in life-changing educationalCollege trained workers, and theCowley College held many exciting opportunities for thousands of people,United States will need the work ethicevents throughout the school year in a feat made possible by the dedicatedand output of our Kansas workers,recognition of its 100 years of service. staff that has served the school forRepresentative Rhiley said. decades.'