b'coaching principles I believe in today.head coach Manny (Raga), Saia said.Administration (2013) from Kansas. The Cowley Tiger family runs deepThere is a big sense of pride in beingSaia has hit the ground running at with me, and I would not be wherea Tiger. When it was announced thatClemson and hopes to replicate the I am today if it werent for my timethey won the national title, I had asuccess he had in Ames while coaching at Cowley. I feel so lucky to havegroup message with several formerin South Carolina. experienced so many great momentsplayers, and all of us were so excited as a Tiger that I will remember for thefor the program and Cowley Athletics.I think with this special opportunity rest of my life.It is an amazing accomplishment tocomes a great responsibility to help the Boomer followed this years Cowleyever win a national title, and I am soprogram reach great heights for the tennis teams with pride as thehappy for the team.future and put it on the national stage Lady Tigers finished as the NJCAASaia and his wife Whitney have twoamongst the elite in our sport, Saia Division I national runner-up and thesons, Ryder and Weston. He playedsaid. Coaching tennis is what gets me Tiger men captured its first nationaltennis at Cowley College beforeup every morning excited to be able to championship since 1991.earning a B.S. in Sport Managementdo what I do. As soon as they won, I messaged(2011) and an M.S. in Sports Cowley College unveils new mobile technology trailer Thanks to a $50,000 JIIST (Jobs forThe trailer will be used for boot campThe trailer will also promote NDT Innovative Industry Skills Training)and short-term certificate trainingand other technical programs at area grant from the Kansas Departmentacross the state. The primary targethigh schools. The JIIST grant is a of Commerce, Cowley College wasis for NDT, but the trailer is versatilematching funds competitive award recently able to create a mobileenough that it can also be utilized forwith dollars needing to be spent technology trailer for on-the-gowelding and other technical areas ofby June 2023. Area businesses also training to use for its Nondestructivestudy.contributed funds as indicated on the Testing (NDT) program.trailer gate. Board approves new Wichita location for Cowley College Cowley Colleges Board of Trusteeswas made during Cowley CollegesRoad on Maple and consists of 1,800 authorized the College to enter intomonthly Board of Trustees meetingsquare feet. The College is moving a lease agreement with Brunswickheld Monday, April 18, in the McAteefrom its previous Wichita location on Properties LLC for its new WichitaDining Center.South Market Street, where they have location, beginning May 1, 2023, andThe property is located West of Ridgebeen since 2015. expiring April 30, 2028. The decision'