b'Cowley alum Boomer Saia named head womens tennis coach at Clemson University 50-year program history, includinglife during my career, Saia said. They a quarterfinal appearance in 2023.are the reason I am where I am today, The team also advanced to theand all have contributed to the success semifinal of the ITA National IndoorI have had in my career. I was very Championships and was rankedprivileged to have learned from some as high as No. 4 in the nation thisof the best coaches in our industry, season. The ranking marked a 211-spotand to be able to take that knowledge improvement from when Saia tookand add our own spin was so valuable. over the program in 2018.I am a big believer that you win with The experience at Iowa State waspeople, and one of the biggest reasons unlike anything I have ever been awe were successful at Iowa State was part of in this life, Saia said. To helpbecause of our associate head coach turn around a program, watch playersKenna Kilgo - she was there for the do really special things, and make anlast five years at Iowa State, and I am elite 8 when many didnt even thinkpositive we would not have been as we could make the NCAA tournamentsuccessful without her. It takes a village Boomer Saia, a 2009 graduate ofwas something that will be with meto be successful at any level, and I Cowley College, has traveled a longforever. The destination was a neatabsolutely treasure the relationships I and winding road to become one ofachievement, but the journey there washave with our players and my peers. the countrys most highly sought-afterunbelievably special. It truly was moreSaia played tennis at Cowley for womens tennis coaches. After helpingthan words to be a part of somethingthen-head coach Josh Cobble during guide Iowa State to its best seasonso genuine, and watching the playersthe 2008 and 2009 seasons and helped in the history of the program, Saiainspire each other, our staff, and thethe Tiger tennis team place 11th and recently accepted a contract to becomeAmes community was an experienceninth, respectively, at nationals. the new head womens tennis coachthat will always be with me. at Clemson University in Clemson,His father, Tom, was the athletic South Carolina. Saia was namedIowa State had never been rankeddirector at Cowley College from 1995 the fifth head coach of the Clemsonamong the top-75 in the nationto 2012, and his mother, Sue, served womens tennis program on June 1.before Saia took the helm, and he setas the vice president of student affairs Clemson has provided such a greatrecords in Big 12 wins, overall wins,while growing up. opportunity for our family, Saiaall-conference selections, and NCAATom was inducted into the Cowley said. Professionally and personally,appearances and broke several winlessCollege Tiger Athletic Hall of Fame it checked a lot of boxes for us, andstreaks. The Cyclones were 21-6 thisin 2012 after leading the Tigers to I cant wait to be a Tiger (again).season and 66-38 (.635) overall in72 conference titles, 41 region titles, There is a lot of rich history with theSaias five seasons.and 72 finishes in the top-10 of the Clemson womens tennis program,Before Iowa State, Saia was annational tournament. and I am really looking forward toassistant at Texas Tech, helpingMy time at Cowley genuinely made leading the program.the Red Raiders to the NCAAme into the coach I am today, Saia Saia, the 2021 and 2023 Big 12Quarterfinal in 2018. He spent thesaid. I was very fortunate to grow up Coach of the Year, spent the 2019- 2016-17 season at Vanderbilt as anwith my dad as the athletic director. 2023 seasons as the head coach atassistant, winning the SEC andI was able to get great insight from Iowa State, leading the program toearning a top-five ranking. He waswatching practices, coaching moments, three NCAA Tournaments and thean assistant coach at Oklahoma fromand games in all sports. There have No. 8 final team ranking in 2023.2014-16, bringing the team into thebeen so many great coaches that top-25, and served as a volunteerhave walked the Cowley halls, and Saia achieved several firsts at Iowaassistant at Kansas from 2010-14.to have been exposed to that and State, taking the Cyclones to its firstI have been extremely fortunate toaround greatness taught me a lot three NCAA Tournaments in itshave great mentors and people in myabout the love of the game and the'