b'Community Colleges Celebrate Impactful Contribution to the Kansas Economy Elevating affordable transferKansas community colleges areeducation is through our career and programs and career and technicalundoubtedly the best value in highertechnical education program. In a education, Kansas communityeducationwhether a student iscontinued effort to bolster programs colleges invited citizens to join themseeking a pathway to a four-year degreelike Criminal Justice, Cosmetology, in celebrating National Communityor wants to receive the educationand HVAC Cowley has undertaken College Month this April. Withneeded to go directly into a skilledconstruction of a Technical Education community colleges spread across thetrade, Kansas community collegesCenter to be completed by July of state, these institutions drive economicare ready to serve students of all ages2024. growth, provide the workforce criticalat an affordable price, said HeatherWe will have a banner on display in to the states economy, and fosterMorgan, executive director of theGalle-Johnson on Main Campus and educational opportunities that makeKansas Association of Communityalso in the Short General Education possible prosperous economic futuresColleges.Center in Wellington for students, for students.National Community Collegestaff, faculty, alumni and community An economic study released inMonth serves as an opportunitymembers to sign in support of November 2023 by Lightcast, ato reflect on and celebrate thecommunity colleges nationwide, labor market analytics firm, foundtransformative power of communitysaid Cowley College President, Dr. that between 20212022 Kansascolleges, which continue to bridgeMichelle Schoon. community colleges added $6.7 billionthe gap between the unskilled andSchoon expressed We are honored in income to the state economy, ora trained workforce. Career-focusedto be celebrating National Community approximately 3.3% of Kansas grossprograms, flexible schedules, and lowerCollege Month alongside the other state product (GSP).tuition have afforded thousands ofamazing Game Changer schools The affordability of communityKansans the opportunity to achievein Kansas and want to thank our colleges is a major financial advantagetheir educational and professionalcommunity for all their continued to students. Kansas robust network ofaspirations.support. community colleges served more thanOne of the many ways that Cowley 90,000 students in 2023.College continues to promote'