b'Making an Impact:College Employee wins Award Cowley College would like toexample of a MO-KAN-NE memberan outstanding contribution to the congratulate Director of Studentwho shows commitment, energy, andgoals and mission of MKN among Support Services, Trio-IMPACTsexcellence toward achieving the missionother things. Roxanna James who was recentlyand goals of the MKN organization. SheMO-KAN-NE states Whether inducted into the MO-KAN-NEhas been among the finest examples ofthrough their groundbreaking Hall of Fame. MO-KAN-NE is aa true professional in our Chapter saidinventions, transformative leadership, Tri-State chapter of the EducationalKristi Bolen, Director of Student Supportartistic masterpieces, or acts of Opportunity Association whichServices at Emporia State University.kindness and compassion, our Hall is - a non-profit consortium ofTo receive this honor Roxanna first hadof Fame winners have enriched our professionals with the specificto remain an active member of MKNlives and expanded the boundaries purpose of leveling the playingfor at least 10 years, serve as an MKNof what is possible. We honor field of educational opportunityofficer or committee chair, providenot only their accomplishments for first-generation, low-income,professional development workshops,but also the values they embody - underrepresented, disabled studentseducational training, or develop model orperseverance, creativity, integrity, (according to the Educationalexemplary programs for the organizationsand a commitment to excellence. Opportunity Association).constituency, coordinate a successfulAmong them now sits Cowleys Roxanna is an outstandingmajor fund-raising activity, and provideRoxanna James.'