b'Cowley Athletic Trainers HonoredDuring Athletic Training Month National Athletic Training Monthclinic, and athletic competitions.receives students in KSUs Masters (NATM) is held every March to spreadThrough this educational experience,program to help shadow throughout awareness about the important workstudents will begin to build a solidthe spring and fall semesters. of athletic trainers. At Cowley College,foundation for their academicDuring the fall, Cowley had KSU the school is fortunate to have headand professional future in athleticMasters students Jenna Ficken and athletic trainer Blake Smith andtraining or other allied healthcareRay Kuhlman assist with the athletic assistant trainers like Ainsley Carson.specializations associated with thetraining duties. Ainsley Carson has Athletic trainers (ATs) are highlyphysically active.returned to Cowley for the spring qualified, multi-skilled healthcareSouth Central Kansas Medicalsemester and is now on staff as the professionals who render service orCenter and Integrity HealthcareAssistant Athletic Trainer. treatment under the direction of orProfessionals awarded Blake SmithThese three have been huge in collaboration with a physician inthe title of Lifesaver of the Month inadditions to our program, Smith accordance with their education,January 2020. The decision to awardsaid. We have gotten a lot of talented training, and the states statutes,Smith was made following his heroickids from the KSU partnership, and rules, and regulations. As a part of theactions that saved the life of a CowleyI believe it has been good for Cowley health care team, services provided byCollege student-athlete.and Kansas State. athletic trainers include primary care,Smith is a native of Dexter who injury and illness prevention, wellnessattended both Cowley College andCarson, who plans to graduate from promotion and education, emergentSouthwestern College to study athleticKansas State in May, returned to care, examination and clinicaltraining. Following his graduation inCowley because of Blake Smith and diagnosis, therapeutic intervention,2016, Smith started at Cowley, whereformer head athletic trainer Jeff Fluty. and rehabilitation of injuries andhe spends his time working with manyShe also has a good relationship with medical conditions.of the colleges young athletes acrossthe Cowley College coaches. At Cowley College, students canseveral different programs.I would strongly recommend other major in a pre-athletic trainingDuring Athletic Training Month,athletic training students at KSU to associates degree program basedSmith recently spoke to students atfollow the path I did, Carson said. I on a science core of classes andCaldwell High School about what itgrew up playing sports, so being able recommended electives. Within thetakes to become an athletic trainer.to work with athletes and be involved program, students will gain knowledgewith healthcare easily fit into what I and practical experience in theThrough its partnership with Kansaswanted to do in life. classroom, athletic training roomState University, Cowley College'