b'Cowley Theatre Puts on an Electrifying Performance of Young Frankenstein The Cowley College Theatre DepartmentIgor, played by Evan Quiett, and a leggyCAST: brought to life the production of the Mellab assistant named Inga, played by ReeseDr. Frederick Frankenstein: Spencer Brooks Musical, Young Frankenstein onPappan, Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, MacLaughlin October 13-15 inside the Robert Brownplayed by Spencer MacLaughlin, finds Theatre.himself in the mad scientists shoes ofThe Monster: Nyle Franklin Our season theme is that of rebirth andhis ancestors. Its alive! he exclaimsIgor: Evan Quiett reinvention, and this piece was chosen foras he brings to life a creature to rival hisInga: Reese Pappan just those reasons, Director of Theatregrandfathers. Nick Albrecht said.Eventually, of course, the monster,Elizabeth Benning: Gwyneth Abrams Young Frankenstein is a tale of a manplayed by Nyle Franklin, escapes, andFrau Blucher: MJ Harper struggling against a family legacy that iscontinued hilarity ensues.Inspector Hans Kemp: Curtis Bogner less than positive but ends up discoveringI am incredibly proud of the cast, crew,The Hermit: Bryson Stoner his true self in the same legacy. With theand production team, Albrecht said. help of a hunchbacked sidekick named STUDENTS OF THE MONTHKinzie Pappan - Sep.|Ndack Mbengue - Oct.|Daniela Salcedo - Nov.|Emma Badley - Dec. Aigiza Nasyrova - Jan.|Bruno Nhavene - Feb.|Journey Catlett - Mar.|Stellar Young - Apr.'