b'Cowley Hosts Youth Robotics Challenge The 6th Grade team from Arkansas City Middle School (From Left to Right) Mr. Harper,Reese Pieper, Jasmin Martinez, Aria Ripley, Kayla Hernandez, Felicity Dykes, Kyndel Schwyhart, Finleigh West, and Mr. Soule. Cowley College recently held its annualof innovators and problem solvers, andand Caldwell Team Jaybot 7 in Third Robotics Challenge at the SumnerCowley College is proud to host them.Place. For the Advanced Competition, Campus. The 2024 Robotics ChallengeAccording to their website, The purposethe Winners were Anthony in First, featured 15 schools and 30 teams in anbehind this Robotics Challenge is toArkansas City in Second, and Wellington assembly code race and was sponsoredengage our younger generation in theElementary in Third. by Cowley College, Sumner-CowleySTEM side of education. STEM, standingCowley Vice President of Finance Electric, KanOkla, and Sumner Countyfor Science, Technology, Engineering, andand Administration Holly Harper, who Economic Development. Students workedMath, is an ever-changing, increasinglyassisted with the event, said, What an hard between assembly day and the eventcomplex world. In todays day and age,extraordinary event! Its fascinating to to program and code their machines. Theyyou will see the influence of STEM almostwitness the dedication and enthusiasm came to the event ready to show theireverywhere you go. From the tractors inof these young people towards STEM skills and put their knowledge on the line.the field to the weather forecast on theeducation. With 178 students competing By providing opportunities likenews, STEM research and education isover the two-day event from surrounding this challenge, students get hands-ona vital part of everyday life(Sumnermiddle schools and even a 5th-grade experience with technology and developCounty Robotics).team. These students are so talented and problem-solving skills, creativity, andThe panel of judges consisted of Cowleyhave a passion for their craft. I truly teamworkall of which are essentialCollege, KanOkla, Harper Industries,enjoy watching these students figure out in STEM fields and beyond. It isWellington, and Sumner Countythe challenges and enjoy the process. encouraging to see educational institutionsrepresentatives. Winners in the BasicCongratulations to all the participants, as emphasizing the importance of STEMCompetition included Arkansas Citywell as their coaches and instructors, for education and providing platforms forTeam Thing 1 in First Place, Arkansastheir hard work and commitment. students to showcase their talents. EventsCity Team Thing 2 in Second Place, like these can inspire the next generation'