b'Educate the State: A Partnership To Address the State Teacher Shortage The five female Presidents of the Public - Private schools in the Educate the State partnership. (From left to right: Dr. Michelle Schoon [Cowley College], Dr. Kimberly Krull [Butler Community College], Dr. Elizabeth Frombgen [Southwestern College], Dr. Amy Bragg Carey [Friends University], Dr. Kathleen Jagger [Newman University]). Public-private educational partnershipSecondary Education majors.level for Educate the State students. makes teaching degrees more affordableIn 2022, the Kansas IndependentThat equates to a $22,000 scholarship at for future Kansas teachers.Colleges Association (KICA) announced aFriends University. A group of five area colleges haveglobal transfer for any Kansas communityHow to Access Educate the State: announced a new partnership calledcollege graduate earning an Associate1. Earn a Secondary Education Educate the State aimed at positivelyof Arts (A.A.) or Associate of Scienceassociate degree from Butler or Cowley impacting the current teacher shortage in(A.S.) degree to transfer as a junior statuswith a 2.75 minimum GPA. Kansas.directly to any Kansas private university. The new public-private agreementEducate the State takes it a step further2. Transfer to Friends, Newman brings together Cowley College, Butleras these institutions also guarantee aor Southwestern based on subject matter Community College, Friends University,lower tuition rate at the private universityemphasis as a full-time Secondary Newman University, and Southwesternlevel for those wanting to become K-12Education major. College. By working together, theteachers.3. Receive the discounted $300 institutions have created a seamlessTuition per credit hour is discountedtuition rate for final two years regardless and more affordable transfer option forto $300 per credit hour at the universityof the four-year institution selected. Administrative TEAMPresident - Dr. Michelle Schoon|Dr. Rachel Bates|Holly Harper |Janice StoverPaul Erdmann|Debbie Phelps|Jeff Fluty|Stefani Jones|Kristi Shaw'