b'Cowley VP Honored by the Wichita Business Journal Holly Harpers recognition in therespective fields, which spoke volumes Women Who Lead editorial by theabout her investment in their success Wichita Business Journal highlightedbeyond their time at Cowley College. her significant contributions toIn addition to her professional Cowley College as Vice Presidentachievements, Harpers willingness to of Finance and Administration.share her knowledge and experiences Her instrumental role with the newwith younger professional women Technical Education Center hasaligns with the ethos of Women Who underscored her commitment toLead. By serving as a mentor and enhancing educational opportunitiesrole model, she contributes to the for students.empowerment and advancement of Harpers remarks reflected her deep- women in business. seated dedication to higher educationHolly Harpers recognition in and the impact it has on studentsthe Women Who Lead editorial lives. Her emphasis on witnessingexemplifies her leadership, students growth and passion for theirdedication, and commitment to chosen career paths reinforces thefostering educational excellence fulfilling nature of her work. She alsoand professional growth within the discussed her joy in seeing graduatescommunity. return to campus and thrive in their Absher Named the Recipient of the Tiger Heart Award Chris Absher, Cowley CollegeI really appreciate receiving this webmaster, was recently named theaward, it means a lot to me, especially Spring 2024 Tiger Heart Awardfrom Carissa, who is a very creative recipient.thinker and always gives the extra The award is presented each semestereffort to her work, Absher said. to an employee who has gone aboveI have enjoyed working at Cowley and beyond to help a fellow employee,College from day one and have therefore exhibiting the heart of aalways been treated so well by all the tiger.employees here, so its been a real joy to work here and also to get this Last years recipient, Carissarecognition today. Honkomp, said Absher truly caresPast award recipients include about how Cowley is represented inBryan McChesney, Micah Fry, Rikki the public and is always helpful whenHettenbach, Robin Graves, Liz asked for assistance.Shepherd, Somsy Sengvixay, Ashley Absher, who has worked at CowleyLeighty, Rhoda MacLaughlin, and College since May 2016, was surprisedCarissa Honkomp. to be named the recipient of the Tiger Heart Award.'