Student Complaint Process

The form below is to be used to submit a formal complaint regarding an issue in which a student has not been able to find a satisfactory resolution. Reports may not be submitted by a third party on behalf of a student. For a full description of the student complaint process at Cowley College, please refer to Policy 404.

The purpose of this procedure is to provide students with a fair and efficient process to present and resolve complaints relating to matters of academic and non-academic concerns and to have those complaints heard in a fair and impartial manner. To initiate an informal complaint, students must complete the Student Complaint form. If the complaint is of a nature that it cannot be reasonably discussed directly with the faculty or staff member, the student may move immediately to step two of the informal complaint resolution process.

If the complaint is of a nature that it cannot be reasonably discussed directly with the faculty or staff member, the student may move immediately to step two of the informal complaint resolution process.

Step One:
Any time there is a concern related to classroom situations, college services, or administrative actions, the student should contact the faculty or staff member(s) with whom he/she has a concern. It may be possible to resolve the concern without need for formal institutional action. Direct contact will be established by completing this Student Complaint form.

The faculty member or staff member must contact the student and arrange a mutually agreeable meeting date and time upon receiving the student complaint form.

A mutually agreed upon meeting date and time will be scheduled to discuss the concern. The student may be accompanied by a support person or student advocate during the mutually agreeable meeting time.

If the complaint is not resolved during a discussion between the student and the faculty or staff member, the student may move to step two (2).

Step Two:
If the complaint is not resolved from Step 1 or the complaint is of a nature that it cannot be reasonably discussed directly with the faculty or staff member, the student should contact the department chairperson (or instructional office designee), for academic issues, or department director, for non-academic issues.

Within three working days, the supervisor (or designee) must contact the student and arrange a mutually agreeable meeting date and time upon receiving the student complaint form. The process may include meetings with relevant employee and/or the student. Where meetings are held, the parties may be accompanied by a support person or a student advocate during the mutually agreeable meeting time.

The student must maintain a file of all documentation in relation to the consideration of the complaint and obtain required signatures.

If the complaint is not resolved, the student may move to step three of the complaint resolution process.

Step Three:
If the complaint is not resolved from Step 1 and Step 2, the administrator (or designee) will contact the Executive Director of Student Services to discuss meeting with the Student Affairs Council.

The student must maintain a file of all documentation in relation to the consideration of the complaint and obtain required signatures.

If the complaint is not resolved, the student may move to step four of the complaint process.

Step Four:
If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved in the previous steps, the student should file an additional complaint with supporting evidence, using Cowley College’s TELL IT TO THE PRESIDENT form. The student will be contacted by the Office of the President within five (5) business days of reception of all materials.

If the complaint is not resolved, the student may move to step five of the complaint process.

Step Five:
If the complaint remains unresolved, the student may submit a complaint through the College’s Clerk of the Board to the attention of the Cowley College Board of Trustees. Based on the nature of the complaint, the Board of Trustees will normally review the submitted materials at the regular upcoming monthly meeting. Based on the findings of the Board, the Board may render a decision or request additional information in order to respond to the complaint. To submit an unresolved complaint to the Board of Trustees, complete the Complaint Process Form and mail the form and attachments to the Board of Trustees.

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