Transfer Information
Cowley College offers a wide variety of courses specifically designed to transfer. This enables you to complete your first two years of coursework here at Cowley College. The keys to a seamless transfer process is to start planning early. Cowley College’s academic advisors are available to help you develop an education plan.
Transferring in Kansas
The Kansas Board of Regents authorizes Systemwide Transfer (SWT) courses for transfer. These approved courses transfer to any Kansas public institution offering an equivalent course. For details, click the Course Transfer image below:
The Kansas Board of Regents has approved a list of courses for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas public postsecondary institutions. A student who completes these courses at any Kansas public community college, technical college, or university can be certain that he or she can transfer that course to any other public institution in Kansas in pursuit of a degree or credential.
The Transfer Kansas Portal provides information on the Systemwide Transfer (SWT) courses approved by the Kansas Board of Regents for transfer systemwide.
Use this state provided resource to verify the courses you take at Cowley College will transfer to any Kansas public institution offering an equivalent course.
A special identifier of (T▶) next to the course title in the course and program listings
in the Cowley Academic Catalog indicates the course qualifies as a Kansas Regents
System Wide Transfer course.
The Kansas Board of Regents has approved a list of courses for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas public postsecondary institutions. A student who completes these courses at any Kansas public community college, technical college, or university can be certain that he or she can transfer these courses to any public institution in Kansas.
Students who transfer to a Kansas public university from a Kansas public community college or technical college (or vice versa) are eligible for Reverse Transfer. This allows for a student to attain any associate degree for which one is eligible.
Credit Transferred From Other Colleges
Transfer credits will be accepted from vocational-technical schools, colleges, and universities starting from the year that they are accredited or hold candidacy status with the Higher Learning Commission or other similar regionally accrediting body.
Transfer credit from other institutions is subject to approval by the Registrar. All transfer credit will be equated to the semester-hour system. Transfer hours are not included in Cowley College grade-point average but are included in the cumulative GPA toward the graduation requirements.
Transfer credits must apply toward the degree pathway at Cowley College and shall be received in the form of an official transcript directly from the awarding institution. When transferring credits, only credits with a C grade or higher will be accepted. Students may appeal the acceptance of transfer credit by completing a transfer credit appeal form in the Registrar’s office.
Credits being applied to fulfill the Kansas Systemwide General Education Core Requirements must have a grade of C or higher.
Cowley College will accept survey courses in religion from a non-regional accredited institution for a maximum of 6 credit hours. These credits will be counted as credits towards humanities requirements or elective hours toward graduation. Students should be aware that when they transfer to another college or university they may have to validate their course work again.
The coursework from a non-regional accredited institution will not be entered in its entirety on the Cowley College transcript, but only those courses that have been approved will have the notation of credit hour, letter grade, and grade points.