Dr. Chad Killblane

Dr. Chad Killblane began teaching for Cowley College in 2009, one day after receiving his Ph.D in Chemistry from the University of Nebraska. In that time, he has had the opportunity to teach everything from Physical Science to Principles of Biology. However, the bulk of his time is spent on the major's classes Chemistry 1 and Chemistry 2 and the one semester terminal course General Chemistry. He has also had the opportunity to be a Phi Theta Kappa advisor and has had a chance to work with some amazing students along the way.
He has several hobbies and interests, but principle among them is running. Additionally, he enjoys engaging in community service, through his association with PTK, and curriculum design with a heavy emphasis on digital communication.
He has worked in an industrial laboratory preparing and running mass spectrometer samples. He also completed an NSF-REU in immune HPLC with the Hage laboratory group at UNL.
- B.S. - Biochemistry - Southwestern College
- Ph.D. - Chemistry - The University of Nebraska
- American Chemical Society
- Search for lowest energy nonclassical Fullerenes III: C22, Killblane, Gao, Shao, Zeng, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2009, 113 (31): 8839-8844.
- Theoretical Optical Absorption and Photo electron spectra of Endohedral Gold Clusters. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 6, Number Z, February 2009, pp 359-363 (5).
- Structures and stabilities of small Silicon cluster. High-Level A initio calculations of Sib; Gao, Killblane, Zeng, Computing Letters, Volume 1, Number 4, 2005, pp 343-347 (5).