Dr. Humphrey Wamocha

Humphrey Lusenaka Wamocha obtained his Masters and Ph.D from Wichita State University. He has a bachelor’s degree in education Science from Egerton University His research interests are in nanomaterial fabrication and characterization, targeted drug delivery systems and magnetic nanomaterials.
Dr. Wamocha joined the department of Natural Science and Mathematics at Cowley College in August 2011 as an instructor. Prior to this position, he worked as a lecturer and graduate teaching assistant at Wichita State University. He has worked as a high school teacher for the Wichita public schools. He currently teaches mathematics and physics.
Courses taught include: general physics, engineering physics, statics, calculus, differential equation, college algebra and elementary statistics.
- B.S. - Education - Egerton University, Kenya
- M.S. - Physics - Wichita State University
- Ph.D. - Mechanical Engineering - Wichita State University
- Good Apple Award 2008,Wichita Public Schools
- Certificate, “Achieve the Dream”
1. Asmatulu, R., Fakhari, A., Wamocha, H.L, Chu, H.Y., Chen, Y.Y., El-Tabey M.E., Hamdeh, H.H., and Ho, J.C. “Synthesizing Drug-Carrying Magnetic Nanocomposite Particles for Targeted Drug Delivery,” Journal of Nanotechnology, 2009, Vol. 2009, Article ID 238536, 6 pages
2. Wamocha, H.L., Misak, H.E., Song, Z., Chu, H.Y., Chen, Y.Y., Asmatulu, R., Yang, S.Y., and Ho, J.C. “Cytotoxicity of Release Products from Magnetic Nanocomposites in Targeted Drug Delivery,” Journal of Biomaterials Application, Vol. 11, 2013, pp. 661-667.
3. Asmatulu, R., Fakhari, A., Wamocha, H.L, Chu, H.Y., Chen, Y.Y., El-Tabey M.E., Hamdeh, H.H., and Ho, J.C. “Synthesizing Drug-Carrying Magnetic Nanocomposite Particles for Targeted Drug Delivery,” Journal of Nanotechnology, 2009, Vol. 2009, Article ID 238536, 6 pages
4. Wamocha, H.L., Tandel, R., Lankarani, H.M., and Asmatulu, R. “CFD Analysis of Drug Carrying Magnetic Nanocomposite Carriers under Magnetic Fields,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO, November 11–17, 2011, 10 pages.
5. Wamocha, H.L., Asmatulu, R., and Ravigururajan, T.S. “Hydrodynamic Behavior of Magnetic Nanocomposite Spheres under Magnetic Fields,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO, November 11–17, 2011, 6 pages
6. Wamocha, H.L., Asmatulu, R., Ho, J.C., Song, Z., and Yang, S.Y. “Cytotoxicity and Drug Release Evaluation of Magnetic Nanocomposite for Drug Delivery,” The Indraprastha International Conclave on Nano Science and Technology, New Delhi, India, November 16–17, 2010, 6 pages.
7. Wamocha, H.L., Asmatulu, R., El-Tabey, M.M., Misak, H., Gopu, J.S., Cooper, B., Ho, J., and Hamdeh, H.H. “Increasing the Efficiency of Pharmaceutical Drugs for Magnetic Targeted Drug Delivery,” SAMPE Fall Technical Conference, Wichita, KS, October 19–22, 2009, 7 pages.
8. Asmatulu, R., Fakhari, A., Wamocha, H.L, Hamdeh, H.H., and Ho, J.C. “Fabrication of Magnetic Nanocomposite Spheres for Targeted Drug Delivery,” 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, October 31–November 6, 2008, Boston, 4 pages.
9. Asmatulu, R., Khan, W.S., Wamocha, H., and Adeniji, A. “Improving the Nanotechnology Education for Future Engineers,” 2007 ASEE Midwest Regional Conference, September 19–21, 2007, Wichita, KS, 10 pages
10. GSN Rao, OF Caltun, KH Rao, BP Rao, HL Wamocha, HH Hamdeh, Influence of silicon and cobalt substitutions on magnetostriction coefficient of cobalt ferrite, Hyperfine Interactions 184 (1-3), 179-184
11. GSN Rao, OF Caltun, KH Rao, BP Rao, HL Wamocha, HH Hamdeh, Enhanced Strain Derivative of Mn/Si Substituted Cobalt Ferrite, MAGNETIC MATERIALS: International Conference on Magnetic Materials (ICMM)