“Many students are afraid of writing and public speaking. They have had negative experiences in the past that have caused them to feel like writing an essay or giving a speech is akin to having a root canal! My goal is that students will leave my classroom realizing that they each have a voice, and what they have to say is important. I want them to learn how to use standard English, of course, but I also want them to feel confident in expressing themselves.”
With a bachelor’s degree in English from Evangel College, Julie Kratt was a full-time staff member providing academic support from 1992-1999. During that time, she was also a part-time instructor who realized how much she enjoyed teaching at the college level, which inspired her to earn her master’s degree in education from Southwestern College with a goal of teaching English full time. She remembers thinking during her first time teaching Comp II, “I can’t believe they pay me to do this!”
She joined the college as a full-time faculty member in 2004 and hopes to transfer her passion for reading, writing, speaking, and learning to her students. Kratt has embraced online learning and has taught face-to-face classes, hybrids, and online courses.
Kratt teaches integrated reading and writing, composition, and communication. She received the NISOD Master Teacher Award in 1998. She served on the Kansas Board of Regents Developmental Education Task Force as Writing chair. She has participated in textbook reviews and revisions for Cengage, Pearson and McGraw-Hill, has served on the Advisory Board for a first edition developmental writing textbook, has developed part of an online supplement for Norton, and has reviewed and edited part of an online literature supplement for Pearson. Additionally, she has given presentations at the local, regional and national level.