Timothy Walton

In 2008, Tim Walton first started teaching in Cowley’s automotive program. The Automotive Program focuses on eight different areas. Walton is a Cowley graduate that completed the automotive program.
Students start with the Electrical and Electronic system and move to Engine Performance. With the changing technology, the students cover the basics and move into repairing problems in each area. Manual and Automatic Transmissions cover a vast array of methods on how to propel the vehicle and service any problems that there may be. The Brakes, Engine Repair and Steering and Suspension students cover the basics of how each system is designed and how to fix any compromised components. Last is Heating and Air conditioning.
After graduating from Cowley, he immediately entered the workforce as a main line technician for Davis Moore Chevy for seven years. Walton specialized in electrical and performance issues on cars and light duty trucks. While at Davis Moore, he went back to school and received his Bachelor Degree in Technology Management from Pittsburg State.
His professional certifications include ASE Master Technician and GM Certified Technician.
Favorite quote: "If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" by Bernard Baruch.