Zachary Lind
Faculty - Drawing, Foundation Design & Lead Art Appreciation

Zachary Lind taught Graphic Design at Cowley College in the spring of 2006. He also taught several classes as a graduate student at UCLA from 2006 to 2009. As an adjunct, he taught animation at Johnson County from 2010 to 2012, and was an Animator on many shows for Bento Box in Atlanta, Georgia from 2012 to 2014.
He is a member of Hollywood ASIFA and his film "2 Scoops of Justice" won several awards and was featured on Federator. His film was also presented at several festivals, including San Diego Comic-Con, San Diego Children's Festival and the LA Children's Festival.
- A.A. in Graphic Design from Cowley College
- B.F.A. in Graphic Design from Wichita State
- M.F.A. in Animation/Film from UCLA