Mason Warren

I grew up here in beautiful Arkansas City, Kansas, and after high school, I did not know what I wanted to do with my life. I chose to come to Cowley College, which allowed me to explore many different subjects, and this is where I fell in love with science. Initially, I did not want to be an educator, but after pursuing multiple different majors for several years I realized that teaching is what I was passionate about.
After Cowley College, I transferred to Wichita State University where I received my bachelor's degree in chemistry education. After graduation, I began teaching science at the 6-12 level. I taught in two rural schools in Cowley County, until in 2023 I was able to begin full-time instruction here at Cowley College, which feels like a return home for me. Cowley County has always been home to me and since its founding Cowley College has been an integral part of this county.
- Associate of Science, 2015, Cowley College
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Education, 2018, Wichita State University