Tiger Foster Parent Program
Adjusting to college life can be a challenge especially for students who come from other states or even other countries. The Tiger Foster Parent Program is designed to help students who do not have relatives or friends nearby. It provides a bridge for students to connect with the Cowley community and builds wonderful, lasting connections.
Fostering Ideas
- Invite students into your home for an occasional meal
- Be accessible for the student and allow them to contact you for emotional support.
- Acclimate the student to the community when possible.
- Support the student at their athletic events or other school functions
- On special events like birthdays, holidays, or game days provide a treat or a note
- Send a note/text to the student about their accomplishments

Fill out my online form.
NJCAA Adopt a Player – “Host Family” Program Rules
Programs may be instituted by a member college under the following conditions:
- B.3.a. Program is approved by the college administration,
- B.3.b. Program is open to ALL students,
- B.3.c. Program is administered by the institution with no direct affiliation to the athletic department,
- B.3.d. Athletic department staff play no part in the arrangement of host families,
- B.3.e. Athletic department personnel may not serve as host family or adoptive parent,
- B.3.f. No financial, fiduciary, or monetary transactions may transpire between “parent/host” and “adopted” student-athlete,
- B.3.f.i. Includes, but is not limited to: loans, co-signing of loans or leases, long distance telephone calls and provision of tickets.
- B.3.g. “Adoptive parent” must not take student-athlete on trips involving excessive mileage and/or expense.
- B.3.h. “Adoptive parent” may not provide tickets or gifts of any kind.
For more information, please contact Peyton Snively:
Email: peyton.snively@cowley.edu
Phone: 620-441-5290