Library Resources, Online Card Catalogs, and Library Databases
If you are an active Cowley student or employee and you need passwords/usernames for any of the following databases, you can find this information on Blackboard, Cowley Connect, or feel free to contact the library. You must use the passwords provided by the library to access the databases off campus.

Renn Memorial Library Collection


Online Card Catalog — for print books and materials


Online Archived Cowley Yearbooks
Database and Online Resource Center
General Databases
EBSCO Journals/Magazines/E-books  
EBSCO Video Tutorial
CREDO Reference Library  
Opposing Viewpoints in Context  
Issues & Controversies   video link
Databases provided by the State Library of Kansas
Encyclopedia Britannica  
Chronicle of Higher Education
Films on Demand (online streaming videos)
NoodleTools Express
EasyBib/MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian
Purdue University Online Writing Lab/ MLA
Purdue University Online Writing Lab/ APA
Official MLA website
Official APA website
Geography & Maps
A to Z Maps Online
A to Z the USA
Global Road Warrior  
Music Center
Oxford Music Online/Grove Music
CD Title List (pdf format)
Statistics Portal
Health Databases
Pre-hospital Emergency Care
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health    
VIDEOS — ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health
Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health (2013)  
Annals of Emergency Medicine
Kansas Specific Information
If you are an active Cowley student or employee and you need passwords/usernames for any of the following databases, you can find this information on Cowley Connect or feel free to contact the library.
Other Public Accessible Databases
Barlett’s Familiar Quotations
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Census Bureau
Art Center
Art a Go Go: Art Over Easy
Metropolitan Museum of Art
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.