January 17, 2024
New Trustees take part in Board meeting at Cowley College

Tuesday’s meeting, inside Cowley College’s Patrick J. McAtee Dining Center, was the first for newly elected Trustees Joe Shriver, Jacinda Shaw-Kinzie, and Phil White. These trustees replace Dr. Steve Abrams, David Stanley, and Glennis Zimmerman on the Cowley College Board.
During the meeting, the Trustees voted to have Brett Bazil remain as Chairman of the Board.
Other officers elected for the upcoming year: vice chairman Bob McGregor; a past Chairperson, who shall serve as an advisor to the Chairman of the Board, vacant; Kansas Association of Community Colleges voting delegate, Dr. Alan Marcotte; an alternate delegate to the Kansas Association of Community Colleges, Joe Shriver; a trustee representative for professional negotiations, Bob McGregor; a trustee representative to the Cowley College Foundation, Jacinda Shaw-Kinzie; a trustee representative to the Tiger Booster Club, Jacinda Shaw-Kinzie; three trustees to serve on the Finance sub-committee, Gary Wilson, Bob McGregor, Phil White; three trustees to serve on the Academic sub-committee, Bob McGregor, Dr. Alan Marcotte, Joe Shriver; three trustees to serve on the Board policy sub-committee, Gary Wilson, Brett Bazil, Dr. Alan Marcotte; and Gary Wilson was named trustee designated to open bids received for college purchases.
Also, during Tuesday’s meeting, the Board appointed Tiffany Vollmer to continue to serve as Clerk of the Board, appointed Gary Wilson to serve as Treasurer of the Board and appointed David W. Andreas to continue as Attorney for the Board at a monthly retainer fee of $400. The contracts will run through the regularly scheduled Board meeting in January 2025, with the exception of Andreas’ contract, which runs through June 30, 2024.
In other matters:
- Cowley College president Dr. Michell Schoon updated the Board on recent happenings. She provided the Board with a Career and Technical Education and Strategic Plan update. She also shared details from the Economic Impact Study and informed the Board that spring classes began Tuesday, with enrollment continuing this week. Lastly, she shared information from community impact meetings and informed the Board that following the success of Cowley College’s recent production of Young Frankenstein, the Kennedy Center has invited Cowley College and student Meghann Borum to present the costumes from the fall production at the Region 5 Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival held January 16-21 in Des Moines, IA.
- Saw Dr. Schoon present a gift to December Student of the Month Emma Badley of Arkansas City. “Cowley helped me break out of my shell,” Badley said. “It is nice to know that I am seen not just as another kid on campus but as someone that can be a leader and help others.”
- Jessica Lucas, government affairs liaison, provided a legislative update where she discussed the Governor’s budget.
- Gary Wilson provided the Board with a Trustee Finance Subcommittee update.
- Dr. Alan Marcotte provided the Board with a Trustee Academic Subcommittee update.
- Approved the Consent Agenda:
- Board Minutes of the December 8 meeting.
- Approved the Financial Reports as presented.
- Bills and Claims. Approved fiscal officers of the College to execute payment of all bills and claims as presented.
- Approved the following policies: (207.00) Selection, Adoption, and Ordering of Textbooks.
- Personnel Transactions. The Board was informed of the resignation of Jesse Milliron as groundskeeper, effective December 22, and Ben Kritsonis as assistant wrestling coach, effective December 30.
- The Board was informed of the employment of Dakota Brinkley as welding instructor, effective January 1, and Greg Butler as TRiO program advisor, effective January 1.
- Approval of the purchase of two interactive Recon system screens to add to the existing simulator to include training for $52,800.00 using KBOR Capital Outlay Tech Ed Grant Funds.
- Approved purchasing a Scissor Lift from Snap-On Tools for $53,058.88 using KBOR Capital Outlay Tech Ed Grant Funds.
- Holly Harper, vice president of finance and administration, provided the Board with a facilities maintenance update. The new CTE Building is enclosed, and sheetrock work is in process.
- Dr. Rachel Bates, vice president of academic affairs, informed the Board of ongoing academic affairs and administrative daily operations.
- Paul Erdmann, vice president of information technology, provided an update on projects the information technology staff has worked on over the past month.
- Debbie Phelps, executive director of institutional effectiveness (IE), informed the Board that the Winter IPEDS Collection opened on December 6 and closes on February 7, 2024.
- Stefani Jones, director of student enrollment and success, provided an enrollment update.
- Kristi Shaw, executive director of student services, provided a housing and student life update.
- Jeff Fluty, athletic director, provided the Board with updates from the Winter sports. He also informed the Trustees that Cowley athletic training continues its affiliate agreement with the Kansas State University Athletic Training Program during the spring 2024 semester. After two first-year graduate students assisted the Cowley Athletic Training Program during the fall 2023 semester, the coming spring semester will include one second-year KSU student set to support the overall health care of our student-athletes.
- Dr. Scott Layton, faculty liaison, provided updates from several Cowley instructors.
- The meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
Rama Peroo | Director of Institutional Communication
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005