January 22, 2025
January Board Meeting Highlights

The Board of Trustees gathered for their January 21st meeting in the President’s Dining Room inside the McAtee Dining Center on the Ark City Main Campus, with a quorum of six trustees in attendance. Trustee Bob McGregor provided the invocation, and Chair Brett Bazil recited the College Mission Statement.
Under Trustee Officer Election, Chair Bazil opened the floor for nominations for Chair, Vice Chair, and volunteers to fill the remaining positions for the 2025 calendar year. A 6-0 vote approved the nominees.
- Chairperson (Bob McGregor)
- Vice-Chairperson (Dr. Alan Marcotte)
- Past Chairperson (Brett Bazil)
- Kansas Association of Community College Trustees (KACC) delegate (David Stanley)
- Kansas Association of Community College Trustees (KACC) alternate delegate (Joe Shriver)
- Representative for Professional Negotiations (Bob McGregor)
- Representative Designated to Open Bids for Purchases (Gary Wilson)
- Representative for the Cowley College Foundations Association (Jacinda Shaw-Kinzie)
- Representative for the Tiger Booster Club (Jacinda Shaw-Kinzie)
- Three Trustees to serve on the Finance Sub-Committee (Gary Wilson, Bob McGregor, Joe Shriver)
- Three Trustees to serve on the Academic Sub-Committee (David Stanley, Dr. Alan Marcotte, Phil White)
- Three Trustees to serve on the Board Policy Sub-Committee (Gary Wilson, Dr. Alan Marcotte, Brett Bazil)
- Three Trustees to serve on the Sumner County Sales Tax Sub-Committee (Phil White, Bob McGregor, Dr. Alan Marcotte)
Under Board Appointments, the Board approved Tiffany D. Vollmer to continue as the Clerk of the Board of Trustees and Gary Wilson to continue as Treasurer of the Board of Trustees effective January 21st, 2025 until the regularly scheduled Board meeting in January 2026 (approved 6-0).
Under Awards and Reports, Cowley President Dr. Michelle Schoon announced that the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) had reaffirmed Cowley College's accreditation for another 10 years. Schoon also shared that the Technical Education Authority (TEA) Curriculum and Program Committee has approved an Electrical Technology Program for Cowley College students.
In addition, Schoon informed Trustees that the new Sumner Campus EMS simulation lab, classroom, and lounge are nearing completion.
Schoon also noted that enrollment for the Spring Semester has officially begun and is trending up from last spring. Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Rachel Bates and Director of Dual Enrollment and Partnerships Brandon Burke spoke on dual enrollment efforts. Dr. Schoon then presented Brett Bazil with a plaque commemorating his two years of service as Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
December Student of the Month Colton Brown was introduced by Dr. Schoon. Brown thanked the Board and shared that he hopes to continue serving Cowley College on the Student Patrol.
Government Affairs Liaison Jessica Lucas discussed legislative updates regarding the new State budget process, stating that the deadline has accelerated by two weeks.
Under Administrative Reports, Renn Memorial Library had 1,453 unique visits during December, and there were 298 new applications processed in December, with 230 being first-time applicants. Sumner Campus Director Zach Cooper attended the American Beekeeper Federation Conference alongside others from the U.S., Canada, and Australia.
No Public Comments.
Under Standing Committee Reports, Vice President of Finance and Administration Holly Harper provided a recap of the January 13th, 2024, Trustee Finance Subcommittee meeting, where members discussed the procurement of upgraded lighting for the theater dimming system and the contract renewal for the Government Affairs Liaison (approved 6-0). The Board voted to purchase the upgraded lighting from Harvest AV Solutions for $124,661 using Capital Outlay Funds by a vote of 6-0.
Trustee Bob McGregor provided a recap of the January 13th, 2024, Trustee Sumner County Sales Tax Subcommittee, where members requested to change the location of the April 21st, 2025, Board of Trustees meeting to the Cowley College Sumner Campus. A vote of 6-0 approved this action.
The Board moved to approve the Consent Agenda, including the Minutes of the December 16th, 2024, regular meeting, Financial Reports, Bills and Claims, Personnel Transactions, and Board Policies 145.00 - Pets and Animals on Campus (revision) by a vote of 6-0.
With no other business to discuss, Chair Bazil declared the meeting adjourned at 6:54 pm.
For more details, see the agenda.
Hunter Ferguson | Integrated Communications Specialist
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005