January 31, 2024
Aigiza Nasyrova named Cowley College's January Student of the Month

Coming to Cowley College from Russia through a student exchange program, Aigiza Nasyrova has made herself at home at the school’s main campus in Arkansas City. Her involvement on campus and respectful attitude helped earn her the honor of being named the January Student of the Month.
While attending high school in Russia, Nasyrova was involved in the theatre, television and radio broadcasting, journalism, and athletics.
At Cowley, she is a member of the Quiz Bowl, Hope Squad, Media Club president, International Student Organization president, Act One Drama Club, Phi Theta Kappa, and has been involved in Theater musicals and plays.
She was named to the Dean’s Honor Roll and also serves as the campus photographer, a student ambassador, and is a work study in the Wellness Center.
The mass communication/journalism major has a grade point average of 3.71.
“I feel blessed to be here,” Nasyrova said. “I love Cowley. Everyone has been so welcoming; it is like a family. I feel like I really want to be here, and the people at the school want me here as well.”
Social Science instructor Krystle Nies met Nasyrova last year and has been impressed with her sweet personality and proactive engagement.
“I enjoyed seeing her perform in theatre productions, taking the initiative to learn about the community, and supporting classmates in academic and athletic activities,” Nies said. “This year, I can already see how Aigiza is thriving. She has a true passion for learning and engages in all things Cowley that she can, and I would even say that she aids in the collaboration efforts between student groups and organizations. Her respectful and cheerful demeanor makes for positive interactions wherever she is.”
Along with Nies, Nasyrova considers Cowley employees Meg Smith, Abby Morris, and Dianne Flickinger mentors during her time at the school. She also credits her host family, Cindy, and Curt Freeland, as major influences during her time in the United States.
“Meg helped open the doors of possibility for me at Cowley,” Nasyrova said. “I have had so many people help me during my time at the school.”
In her free time, she enjoys reading and hopes to go into the field of human resources and work in the United Nations after finishing school.
Nies said Nasyrova’s eagerness to be involved on campus and respectful demeanor make for a healthy example for others. It is no surprise that Nasyrova would earn the prestigious honor of Student of the Month.
“This is a huge honor for me,” Nasyrova said. “I noticed how hard the previous students of the month worked and how involved they were on campus and hoped to be like that and be deserving of the award.”
Nasyrova plans to return to Russia to complete a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources following her graduation from Cowley in May.
Rama Peroo | Director of Institutional Communication
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005