May 07, 2024
Cowley Hope Squad Sponsors Hope Week Before Finals
(Left to Right) Lindsey Zepeda, Peyton Snively, Selene Ortiz, Rebecca Holman, Campus Therapy Dog- Olwen.
Cowley Hope Squad began finals week with an amazing initiative! They provided opportunities for students to unwind and de-stress before finals by focusing on their well-being and not just their academic performance. By offering a variety of events like yoga sessions and root beer floats, the Hope Squad created a diverse range of activities for students to participate in based on their interests. Plus, the chance to win prizes added an extra incentive for attendance. Hope Squad is devoted to fostering human connection and building a supportive community during challenging times for students.
Peyton Snively and Rebecca Holman are among the club advisors helping Cowley change the game in discussing mental health as the first Hope Squad chapter in Kansas. As Director of Student Life, Snively said, “Many students are feeling anxious and stressed due to final exams, due dates of assignments, and their plans after Cowley. We hope that our events allow the students to see that they are not alone in feeling this way and that they have our Hope Squad members and advisors as a listening ear for when these feelings arise”. Chief among them is Student Life Counselor Rebecca Holman.
Holman expressed, “HOPE Week is a way to remind students that they still have support, are not alone, and give them some ideas they may not have thought of to get through this time of year. It is also a way to break up their days and let them have some fun, take their mind off what is bothering them, engage with others, and be present and mindful while they are with us”.
"Finals Week, especially at the end of the year, can bring up a lot of different experiences for students that can create stress, overwhelm, burnout, sadness, grief, and loss to name a few”, shared Holman.
With that in mind she wants everyone to “Remember to breathe, talk to someone if you're overwhelmed and what you're currently doing isn't working, phone a friend, take a break, find a way to come back to now, and get out of your head.”
Tips for Coping with Finals Week:
- Use Your Five Senses (Put your feet in the dirt/on the grass, take some deep belly breaths, look around you)
- Take A Nap
- Get Good Sleep
- Meditate
- Take A Walk
- Pet a very friendly dog
- Practice Imagining Or Visualizing The Outcome You Want
- Listen to music (that makes you feel good, helps you study, makes you relax, or pumps you up)
- Remind Yourself this too shall pass
- Document The Memories
- Be Grateful For What You've Learned (Good, Bad, or Indifferent)
- Join in on the Hope Squad events!