July 17, 2024
July Board Meeting Highlights

The Board of Trustees gathered for their July 15th meeting in the Short Community Room on the Cowley College Sumner Campus in Wellington. Trustee White provided the invocation, and Chair Bazil recited the College Mission Statement.
Under Awards and Reports, Cowley President Dr. Michelle Schoon provided a college update.
J.T. Seitz has officially joined the Cowley College team as the new legal counsel, beginning July 1, 2024.
Throughout the month, Cowley has participated in the Wellington Heat Military Appreciation baseball game, the Midwest Moos baseball game, and the Wellington Wheat Festival events.
Additionally, Dr. Schoon shared that programs are continuing to move to the Tyler Technical Education Center and preparing for classes in the fall.
In other news, The Enrollment Management Team is implementing CRM software to assist in the recruitment and retention of students. The software will allow Cowley College to set up automated communications for prospective students who have not yet applied and customize the message to the specific types of students targeted in the enrollment management plan.
Under Administrative Reports, the State Fire Marshall visited on July 1st and approved the Tyler Technical Education Center for occupancy. Academics have continued collaborations with Workforce and Community Education to provide responsive community training opportunities. Cowley College received feedback from the Higher Learning Commission regarding its first Quality Initiative. Reviewers determined Cowley met all four review criteria.
The Board held a pair of executive sessions totaling 23 minutes to discuss faculty professional negotiations, including J.T. Seitz, Dr. Michelle Schoon, Holly Harper, and Dr. Rachel Bates. No action followed the executive sessions.
Under Standing Committee Reports, Trustee Bob McGregor presented an overview of the July 8, 2024, Trustee Finance Subcommittee meeting where exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate was discussed. Trustee McGregor introduced a motion to exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate, seconded by Trustee Marcotte, and approved by a vote of 5-1-1.
Trustee Dr. Alan Marcotte provided a recap of the July 9, 2024, Trustee Policy Subcommittee meeting where policies 124.00 Retirement Benefits (revision), 167.00 – Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace (new), 401.00 – Student Affairs Council (revision) were presented for a first reading. Formal approval will be at the August Board meeting.
Under the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the June 17, 2024 Board meeting Minutes, the July 10, 2024 Board work session Minutes, Financial Reports, Bills and Claims, Personnel Transactions, Board Policies 165.00 – Sick Leave – Full-Time Non-Faculty Employees, and 433.00 – Satisfactory Academic Performance for Federal Aid Recipients as presented.
Under the Discussion Agenda, the Board formally adopted their 2024-2025 focus statements established at the July 10, 2024 work session, as presented.
Cowley College provides:
- Dual enrollment opportunities to area high schools to increase student credentials.
- Flexible learning opportunities for all ages and interest groups for holistic learning.
- Responsible spending to be good stewards of local resources
- Short-term certificates to students for quicker entry into the workforce.
- General education transfer programs to students to enhance community and area economy
- Technical training to business partners to have a trained workforce
- Career exploration to students to help with future career goals.
- Housing and student events to enrich lives and safety.
- A diverse campus atmosphere for students and community.
- Top-notch athletic programs for college and community pride
Zach Cooper, Director of Sumner Campus, presented options for using undeveloped land on the Sumner Campus. Trustee White introduced a motion to authorize Zach Cooper to pursue the development of honey bee hives and pollinator research for community and educational purposes utilizing the undeveloped land on the Sumner Campus. Trustee Stanley seconded the motion, and it carried 7-0.
The Board held another 15-minute executive session to discuss the President’s contract, including J.T. Seitz and Dr. Michelle Schoon. Following the executive session, the Board authorized Chair Bazil to finalize and sign President Schoon’s employment contract based on the agreed-upon terms.
With no other business to discuss, Chair Bazil declared the meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.
For more details, visit the Board of Trustees page.
Hunter Ferguson | Integrated Communications Specialist
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005