August 09, 2024
Cowley College Welcome Back In-Service and Awards

Welcome Back in-service for Cowley College faculty and staff occurred Friday, August 9th, 2024. Among the many things discussed at the in-service were awards honoring the accomplishments of a select few. This year, the awards presented were the Tiger Heart Award, the Ben LeClair Staff Excellence Award, and the Data Rockstar Award.
The Tiger Heart Award was presented to Matt Stone (Director of Campus Security) by Carissa Honkomp and Chris Absher. Absher said, “Matt has always been very kind and friendly to me. He always stops to talk with me when he walks around campus, and I have always been able to count on him for assistance. Overall, I have always been encouraged and impressed by how he handles his work at Cowley College.”
One of our 2024 Retirees, Beverly Frank, received the Ben LeClair Staff Excellence Award. Janice Stover, who presented the award, shared, “Bev is known for going above and beyond to get answers and provide guidance regardless of how the issue pertains to her role. It is obvious that Bev has service to others ingrained as a core value deeply rooted in her inner soul.”
Debbie Phelps presented the Data Rockstar Award to Andrew Bohn, saying, “Cowley College was pleased to award the 2024 Data Rockstar Award to Andrew Bohn, a member of the Cowley College Enrollment Management Team. Andy has been instrumental in implementing a new customer relationship management system, supporting data quality and student support on campus.”
Other events on our Main Campus include Dorm Storm move-in on August 10th, New Student Orientation on Monday, August 12th, and the start of in-person classes on August 13th. Online classes will begin on August 19th. There is still plenty of time for students to enroll.
Congratulations to everyone who received an award at this year's in-service, and welcome back all of our Faculty, Staff, and Students as we prepare to start another great year!

Hunter Ferguson | Integrated Communications Specialist
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005