September 19, 2023
Dr. Schoon provides College updates at the Board of Trustees meeting

One month into the fall semester, things are heating up around Cowley College’s main campus in Arkansas City and Centers in Wichita, Winfield, Mulvane, and Wellington. Cowley College president Dr. Michelle Schoon, informed the Board of Trustees of the many happenings during the regularly scheduled monthly meeting in the President’s Private Dining Room inside the Patrick J. McAtee Dining Center.
Dr. Schoon informed the Board that she and Trustee David Stanley recently attended the KACCT meetings held at Cloud County Community College. The duo toured the renewable energy wind farm and Early Childcare Center on the Cloud County campus. They also discussed proposed changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Higher Learning Commission’s qualified faculty definition. Dr. Schoon also mentioned that the Enrollment Management team recently met with marketing and athletics to discuss ways to help boost enrollment.
The College also held activities regarding Suicide Prevention Week, while the Cowley College livestock judging team will participate in a pair of competitions in the upcoming week. Dr. Schoon also mentioned a new grant opportunity she is helping with for the Childcare Impact Center. Lastly, Cowley College had a presence at the Kay County and Kansas State Fairs.
In other matters:
- Jessica Lucas, government affairs liaison, provided a legislative update.
- Bob McGregor provided the Board with a Trustee Finance Subcommittee update.
- Dr. Alan Marcotte provided the Board with a Trustee Policy Subcommittee update.
- Approved the Consent Agenda:
- Board Minutes of the August 21 meeting.
- Approved the Financial Reports as presented.
- Bills and Claims. Approved fiscal officers of the College to execute payment of all bills and claims as presented.
- Administrative Reports.
- Held first readings on the following policies: (112.00) Fringe Benefits-Full Time Employees; (124.00) Retirement Benefits; (165.00) Sick Leave-Full Time Non-Faculty Employees; (216.00) Graduation Requirements.
- Approved the following policies: (133.00) Gifts-In-Kind Acceptance; (145.00) Pets/Animals and College Facilities Policy; (453.00) Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.
- Personnel Transactions. The Board was informed of the resignation of Chad Flower as custodian, effective August 31, and Dereck Hutchison as Academic Coordinator-Upward Bound, effective September 11.
- The Board was informed of the retirement of Jerry “Criss” Kennelley as custodian, effective January 24.
- The Board was informed of the employment of Brady Matthews as assistant men’s and women’s tennis coach/dorm manager, effective August 21, and Paola Medina as admissions representative, effective September 5.
- Approved Ark City Glass to replace 26 windows in the hallways of W.S. Scott Auditorium at a cost of $39,937.54.
- Holly Harper, vice president of finance and administration, provided the Board with a facilities maintenance update. The foundations and slab work on the new Career and Technical Education building is on schedule to be completed by the end of the month.
- Dr. Rachel Bates, vice president of academic affairs, informed the Board that the Golden Tigers program had a strong showing for enrollment events in August and is on pace to surpass 200 participants for Fall 2023.
- Paul Erdmann, vice president of information technology, provided an update on projects the information technology staff has worked on over the past month.
- Debbie Phelps, executive director of institutional effectiveness (IE), informed the Board that the 2023 annual year collection was submitted on time and certified by the president during the certification week.
- Stefani Jones, director of student enrollment and success, provided an enrollment update.
- Kristi Shaw, executive director of student services, provided a housing update.
- Jeff Fluty, athletic director, informed the Board that each fall sport at Cowley is currently nationally ranked. Also, sophomore Bruno Nhavene recently placed first at the Wichita State University UTR (Universal Tennis Ranking) Tournament held at the Sheldon-Coleman Tennis Complex.
- Dr. Scott Layton, faculty liaison, provided updates from several Cowley instructors.
- The October 16 Board of Trustees meeting will take place in the Short Community Room of the Short General Education Center on the Sumner Campus in Wellington. The Board approved to move the meeting from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. to allow for an open community Q&A forum following the meeting.
- Held a pair of executive sessions totaling 45 minutes for preliminary discussion related to property acquisition regarding the Carnegie Library.
- The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Rama Peroo | Director of Institutional Communication
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005