October 04, 2022
Cowley Quiz Bowl opens its season at Neosho

The Cowley College Quiz Bowl recently took two teams to compete at Neosho County Community College in Chanute, KS, for their first meet of the season.
The Cowley A team consisted of Elias Robson (freshman), Katya Crow (freshman), Zane Hubble (sophomore), and team captain Shaybree Hanes (sophomore). The Cowley B team consisted of Aigiza Nasyrova (freshman), Justin Aggson (sophomore), Peyton Williams (freshman), and team captain William (Danny) Ball (freshman). Of the nine participating teams, Cowley A ranked third, and Cowley B ranked fourth.
Cowley A left with a 4-0 win/loss ratio. Cowley B left with a 2-2 win/loss ratio and a tie game. Cowley B scored the best of all the teams who played Murray State College, the tournament’s winner, and scored 170 points against them.
“I was proud to be affiliated to Cowley’s B team,” said Hanes after Cowley B’s match with Murray.
Hubble and Ball ranked second and sixth in the individual score.
“I was surprised that I came in sixth individually because I know a lot of other A teams were answering questions,” said Ball. “I definitely wasn’t expecting that.”
This meet was primarily for practice and introducing new members to how collegiate quiz bowl games were played.
“This Saturday was a great opportunity for a practice meet before the Snow Bowl that Cowley is hosting on November 12,” Hanes said. “The moderators in Chanute took the time to explain many of the answers to the questions. It was awesome,” Crow added.
This meet has left the Cowley Quiz Bowl team excited for the upcoming 2022-2023 Quiz Bowl season.
“We have two strong teams this year that can qualify for nationals,” said Dianne Flickinger, the Cowley Quiz Bowl Coach. “The Snow Bowl tournament on November 12 will determine what the other teams look like and how we stand up to them.”
Rama Peroo | Director of Institutional Communication
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005