October 17, 2022
Shaybree Hanes named October Student of the Month

Serving as president of Phi Theta Kappa and the Art Club at Cowley College, sophomore Shaybree Hanes is extremely active on the Cowley College campus. The well-liked Graphic Design major was recently honored for her stellar work by being named the October Student of the Month.
Hanes is the daughter of Shan and Michelle Hanes of Elkhart, KS. Grandparents are Darus and Ruth Hanes of Keyes, OK, and Sandy Rader.
Shaybree graduated from Elkhart High School in 2021. At Elkhart, she participated in Student Council, Thespians, Key Club and was the president of the National Honor Society.
She has continued her involvement at Cowley.
“I knew after high school that I wanted to attend a junior college in order to save some money,” Hanes said. “I learned Cowley had a good graphic design program that would allow for a seamless transfer to Wichita State University. So, I came on a visit to Cowley, and it just felt perfect.”
Along with her involvement in PTK and the Art Club, she also serves as captain of the Cowley Collegiate Quiz Bowl team. She credits instructors like Mark Dykes and Deborah Layton for her success at the school, as the graphic design major has a 4.0-grade point average.
“The smaller class sizes allow for one-on-one time and great critiques from my instructors,” Hanes said. “I don’t believe I would have gotten the same opportunities to become so involved at a larger school.”
Away from Cowley, Hanes is serving an internship with Visit Ark City. Her creativity is on full display, with her design chosen for this year’s Arkalalah logo.
“Shaybree is self-motivating, accepting, hard-working, and considerate,” Humanities and Communication instructor/PTK sponsor Deborah Layton said. “She takes feedback as instruction, not criticism, and improves in the process. She demonstrates remarkable growth. She is organized and takes responsibility. She has become more confident and an effective leader while at Cowley.”
Hanes maintains a rigorous schedule and balances it all with a positive attitude.
“It is amazing to be recognized as the Student of the Month,” Hanes said. “Coming to Cowley has been a wonderful experience.”
Rama Peroo | Director of Institutional Communication
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005