October 26, 2022
Former Cowley College students return for Alumni Art Showcase

Tying in with Cowley College’s centennial, the Cowley College Visual & Performing Arts Department held an Alumni Art Showcase and reception Tuesday in the Earle N. Wright Community Room.
According to graphics design instructor Mark Dykes, Class of 2004, Visual and Performing Arts Department Chair Mark Flickinger had wanted to have an alumni showcase for several years.
“I think it’s great that Mark decided to tie it into the college’s centennial,” Dykes said. “It was great getting to see former students that I went to school with and some that were my own students. Being able to showcase some of my work and to see how the other alumni have progressed was a wonderful opportunity.”
Kris Ripley, marketing graphic designer and a 2006 graduate of Cowley College, enjoyed the many different styles of art showcased.
“It was refreshing to see colleagues and friends from the past all brought together with art,” Ripley said.
At the conclusion of the event, there was an alumni artists’ panel discussion.
Alumni that had their artwork displayed at the showcase were: Andrew “Ace” Walker, Zach Lind, Mark Dykes, Jacob Seymore, Phillip Roth, Kris Ripley, Jessica Vega, Maribel Ramirez-Bonhenkamp, Michael Bowling, Kristen Phipps, Seth Roeder, Jazmin (Lara) Lukacic, Clinton Willis, Sheldon Draper, Josie Krout, and Sarah Kuffler.
Rama Peroo | Director of Institutional Communication
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005