November 04, 2021
Cowley Quiz Bowl teams place first and third at Fall Invitational

Taking part in the Collegiate Quiz Bowl Fall Invitational October 23 in Chanute, KS, the Cowley College Quiz Bowl teams stole the show by placing first and third out of eight teams.
Eight Cowley College students competed in the invitational.
The Cowley Quiz Bowl teams had three international students from Russia join them this year – Iuliia Matselevich, Ilia Belosludtsev, and Olga Kostiakova.
“We get many questions about Russia, and of course, they have much further knowledge in other categories as well,” Quiz Bowl sponsor Dianne Flickinger said.
Returning sophomores Jacob Denholm, Shelby Fuqua, and Todd Ketron only knew quiz bowl from a Zoom perspective during 2020-21. They were delighted to travel to Neosho and meet other teams in person even though they were required to wear masks.
Jacob Denholm serves as captain and correctly answers most math questions in five seconds or less; Shelby Fuqua keeps the team organized and handles many literature questions, and Todd Ketron is the scorekeeper.
“We are excited to have Kansans, Zane Hubble from Winfield, Melissa Henderson from Burden, and Shaybree from Elkhart join us,” Flickinger said. “Zane and Melissa both have quiz bowl experience, while Shaybree has quickly gained the title of captain.”
The Cowley Collegiate Quiz Bowl teams will host the Snow Bowl on Saturday, Nov. 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Webb Brown Building and expects 15 teams to participate. Visitors are welcome to observe.
Cowley students who participated in Fall Invitational are pictured from left: Zane Hubble, Jacob Denholm, Todd Ketron (scorekeeper), Melissa Henderson, Shelby Fuqua, Iuliia Matselevich, Ilia Belosludtsev, Shaybree Hanes, and Olga Kostiakova.
Rama Peroo | Director of Institutional Communication
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005