December 02, 2022
Cervantes to be published in Level Land: Poems For and About the I35 Corridor

Cowley College Humanities and Communications Department Chair Marlys Cervantes will have some of her work published in Level Land: Poems For and About the I35 Corridor. The poetry anthology, published by Lamar University Press, includes numerous authors with writings that cover the area and topics that relate to issues of that area.
Cervantes will be among a few poets reading from the anthology at a book launch held at Mainsite Contemporary Art in Norman, Oklahoma, on December 10 at 3 p.m.
“While I’m delighted to be published in the anthology, I’m most excited because some of the poets included are writers I teach in my various creative writing and literature classes,” Cervantes said. “What could make me happier than that?”
Rama Peroo | Director of Institutional Communication
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005