December 08, 2022
Felipe Mentz named December Student of the Month

Bringing a positive attitude and willingness to help others on Cowley College’s main campus in Arkansas City, Felipe Mentz was named the December Student of the Month.
Felipe is the son of Luiz Charlez Mentz and Mônica Reis Brambatti Mentz; both live in Portão, RS, Brazil. He has a sister, Brenda Brambatti Mentz, 30. Grandparents are Jose Ernesto Mentz and Nelcy Mentz, and Sadi Brambatti.
Mentz came to Cowley from Brazil, on a track and field scholarship.
“Track and Field was the main reason why I came to the US, and a friend of mine from Brazil (Thaís Lindemayer) suggested I come to Cowley,” Mentz said.
At Cowley, he is Student Senate President and is involved in DECA, Golf Club, International Student Organization, the Cowley track and field team, and is a student ambassador.
“My experience at Cowley has been incredible,” Mentz said. “I always say that when I first arrived here, I knew absolutely nobody. That was a big change in my life. Three semesters later, I can't explain how happy I am with all the connections I built in this place. I have a completely new life here. I have met extraordinary people, I have been into crazy and remarkable adventures, and I have learned a lot.”
According to the director of student life, Peyton Cravens, Mentz is a natural leader on campus.
“Felipe encourages others on campus to get involved and participate in student life
events,” Cravens said. “He can make friends with anyone and is accepting of everyone.
On several occasions at student life events, he has paired up with students who do
not have a partner or team.”
Before coming to Cowley, the talented, hard-working decathlete finished third in the
Brazilian U18 Championships. Mentz placed ninth nationally in the decathlon as a freshman
at Cowley and expects to do even bigger things in the upcoming indoor and outdoor
track seasons.
“This year, I feel more confident and prepared,” Mentz said.
Mentz is a member of the Dean’s Honor Roll and has also been the recipient of a Foundation Scholarship. He is always willing to attend Cowley events and represent Cowley to the fullest. He has volunteered to walk in several parades, attends as many student life events as possible, and attends almost all sporting events to cheer on his peers.
“I feel I have lots to contribute in making this world a better place,” Mentz said. “All it takes is people that get involved.”
The business administration major has a grade point average of 3.82.
“It will be hard to say goodbye to all of this next semester, but I will always be proud of what I have been through at Cowley,” Mentz said. “After Cowley, I want to transfer and continue with track and field, but I still don't know where I am going. Track season next semester will be fundamental to helping me figure out where to go. As for my career goals, I want to do something I love and help make this world a better place.”
Rama Peroo | Director of Institutional Communication
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005