Business Services Council
Series 100.00 Policies
The Board of Trustees is authorized and directed to delegate the administration of Cowley College to the President, who also serves as the Executive Officer of the Board. The President is charged with the responsibility of organizing and administering the resources of the College to assure the proper development, implementation, and evaluation of programs according to Kansas State Law and policies of the Board of Trustees.
- 101.00 Mission Statement & Commitments
- 102.00 Organization of the College
- 103.00 Board of Control
- 104.00 Executive Officer
- 105.00 Board Policy Approval
- 106.00 President Emeritus Policy
- 107.00 Advisory Committees
- 108.00 Service Area Councils
- 109.00 At–Will Employment
- 110.00 Assignment/Use of Employee Work Area
- 111.00 Employee Code of Conduct
- 112.00 Fringe Benefits – Full Time Employees
- 113.00 Reserve Funds
- 114.00 Performance Appraisals
- 115.00 Professional Development Policy
- 116.00 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- 117.00 Work Comp Return to Work
- 118.00 Guidelines for Staff Reduction in Force (RIF)
- 119.00 Acquisition and Disposal of College Property
- 120.00 Exempt Employee Pay
- 121.00 Personnel Records
- 122.00 Payroll Accounting
- 123.00 - Budget
- 124.00 Retirement Benefits
- 125.00 Use of Tobacco on Campus
- 126.00 Weapons Policy
- 127.00 Drug Free Workplace
- 128.00 Non–Discrimination, Anti–Harassment, and Equal Employment Opportunity
- 129.00 Family & Medical Leave Act
- 130.00 Crisis Management/Workplace Violence
- 131.00 Reimbursement for Travel
- 132.00 Purchasing Policy
- 133.00 Gifts–In–Kind Acceptance
- 134.00 Campus Conduct
- 135.00 Soliciting by Vendors and Agents
- 136.00 Accepting of Gifts by Employees
- 137.00 Conflict of Interest
- 138.00 Political Activity
- 139.00 Sexual Harassment Policy
- 140.00 Exemption from Alcoholic Beverages Policy
- 141.00 Use of College Property
- 142.00 Access to College Facilities
- 143.00 Technology Usage by Employees
- 144.00 Services of the Bookstore
- 145.00 Pets and Animals on Campus
- 146.00 Accessibility Statement
- 147.00 Records Retention
- 148.00 Identity Theft Prevention
- 149.00 Social Networking Policy for Employees
- 150.00 Employee Complaint Policy
- 151.00 Control of Vehicular Traffic on Campus
- 152.00 Insurance: Buildings – Vehicles
- 153.00 College Vehicles
- 154.00 Mail Services
- 155.00 Keys to College Facilities and Equipment
- 156.00 Whistleblower Policy
- 157.00 Student Account Bad Debt Write–Off
- 158.00 Banking Services Policy
- 159.00 Professional Attire
- 160.00 Telecommuting
- 161.00 Requisition and Selection – Non-Faculty Personnel
- 162.00 GLBA Information Security Policy
- 163.00 Attendance Policy – Classified Personnel
- 164.00 Cyber Security
- 165.00 Sick Leave – Full–Time Non–Faculty Employees
- 166.00 Vacation – Full–Time Non–Faculty Employees
- 167.00 Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace
- 168.00 Debt Management
- 169.00 Investments
- 170.00 Nepotism
- 171.00 - Open Records
- 173.00 Bulletin Boards
- 182.00 Naming College Facilities
- 184.00 Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control