All HEERF II Funds have been awarded and this grant is now closed.

Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting

The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), was signed in to law on December 27, 2020. CRRSSA provides for education stabilization through emergency funding to institutions of higher education through a second round of Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF II). Institutions accepting CRRSAA funding must commit to providing a portion of the funds in the form of financial aid grants to students, which can be used for any component of the student’s cost of attendance (COA) or emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as but not limited to tuition, food, housing, and health care, mental health care, or child care.

To eliminate barriers and provide needed assistance to students, Cowley College is awarding HEERF II grant through block awards to students. No application is necessary for FAFSA filers. Award amounts are based on enrollment and financial status with Pell eligible students prioritized.

You must meet the following requirements to qualify:

FAFSA Filers:

Non FAFSA Filers:

As of this moment, DACA and International Students are not eligible for HEERF II funds under 8 USC 1611(a) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996 Welfare Reform Law).

Questions? Contact or 620-441-5304




Institutions are allowed broader eligibility criteria for HEERF II awards as opposed to the criteria identified by the U.S. Department of Education for CARES HEERF I funding. International, DACA, and Undocumented students are not eligible. Institutions must prioritize students with exceptional need, such as students who receive Pell grants.

Cowley identifies eligible students as meeting the following criteria:

  • Eligible citizenship status
  • Enrolled in 6 or more credit hours for the Spring 2021 semester on April 5th, 2021

To eliminate barriers and provide needed assistance as expeditiously as possible, Cowley is awarding HEERF II grants through block awards to students. Award amounts are based on enrollment and financial aid status with Pell eligible students prioritized.

Cowley’s model identifies 5 categories of award:

  • High School Students enrolled in 6 or more credit hours
  • Students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours with a Pell eligible EFC
  • Students enrolled in 6-11 credit hours with a Pell eligible EFC
  • Students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours with no FAFSA on file or no Pell eligible EFC
  • Students enrolled in 6-11 credit hours with no FAFSA on file or no Pell eligible EFC

Enrollment and financial aid status are as determined on April 5th, 2021. Students enrolled in less than 6 credit hours or not meeting citizenship requirements will not receive an award. Students receiving an award will be notified by email or letter.

Students who have filed a FAFSA do not need to complete an application nor submit any paperwork. Cowley is awarding HEERF II grants through block awards based on enrollment and financial aid status. Non-FAFSA filers will need to fill out the application by clicking here.

HEERF II funds can be used for any component of the student's cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus.

Examples of permissible costs include:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Food
  • Housing
  • Health care (including mental health care)
  • Child care

Students may use HEERF II funds to reduce or possibly pay in full their account balance by completing an authorization. Students may provide authorization in the following way:

  1. FAFSA filers-Log in to their Financial Aid Portal and complete the online HEERF II authorization form located under the Menu bar
  2. Non-FAFSA filers-authorization on application

Students whose award is in excess of their student account charges will receive a credit balance refund for the difference in a form of a check.

Students not providing authorization will not have the grant applied to their Cowley account charges. This may mean the student still has a balance due.

HEERF II funds are meant to provide short-term assistance to students. Available funds were through block awarding for FAFSA filers. Reserved funds for non-filers are available on a first come first serve basis. Once Cowley’s allocation is exhausted no future HEERF II funds will be available.

The Cowley Financial Aid Office is committed to eliminating financial barriers and helping students identify ways to make their education affordable. If you would like information regarding financial aid opportunities, or the financial aid process at Cowley, please visit our Financial Aid page or email

Students who have experienced a change in household income may qualify for an adjustment to their FAFSA, to better reflect their current income situation and ability to pay. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for additional information.


The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), was signed in to law on December 27, 2020. CRRSSA provides for education stabilization through emergency funding to institutions of higher education through a second round of Higher Education Relief Funds (HEERF II). Institutions accepting CRRSAA funding must commit to providing a portion of the funds in the form of financial aid grants to students, which can be used for any component of the student’s cost of attendance (COA) or emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus. Cowley’s minimum required allocation to students is $603,357.

The HEERF II Funds have been exhausted as of 06/02/2021. Please continue to check back in case more funds become available.

We will award available funds based on categories listed below of Spring 2021 enrollment:

Date April 6, 2021
Estimated # of Cowley Eligible Students 1734
Total # of Cowley Students Receiving Funding 1343
Total Funding Distributed $608,800


Pell 12+ hrs $700.00
Pell 6-11 hrs $450.00
FAFSA, non-Pell 12+hrs $350.00
FAFSA, non-Pell 6-11 hrs $200.00
No FAFSA 12+hrs $300.00
No FAFSA 6-11 hrs $175.00
High School Students   $150.00


Date of Report Total Funds Disbursed Percent of Funds Disbursed Total Students Awards
Initial Direct Disbursement 04/02/2021 $67,425 11.08% 125
Report as of 04/30/2021 $431,425 70.86% 942
Report as of 05/31/2021 $608,500 99.95% 1341
Reports as of 06/02/2021 $608,800 100.00% 1343