Please read the statement below and fill out the form at the bottom of the page:

The purpose of all technology resources at Cowley County Community College is to promote and enhance education, instruction, and research activities in accordance with the College’s mission statement. College students and others within the general community are not to participate in the following activities while using College technologies. These activities are unethical and/or unacceptable and may violate state or federal laws.

  1. Loading or installing software on any computer or on the network.
  2. Modifying or moving (on or off campus) any technology equipment or software without prior authorization from the appropriate college administrator.
  3. Performing any act that will interfere with the normal operation of the College’s technology. This includes connecting any unauthorized equipment to the network.
  4. Excessive personal use. Use may be excessive if it overburdens a network, results in substantial use of system capacity, or otherwise subjects the institution to increased costs or risks.
  5. Unauthorized personal use. Information technology resources, including e-mail and the web, shall not be used for personal commercial gain, for charitable solicitations unless these are authorized by the appropriate college administrator, for personal political activities such as campaigning for candidates for public office, or for lobbying of public officials.
  6. Use of technology resources to threaten, harass or offend others. Technology resources shall not be used to intimidate or create an atmosphere of harassment based upon gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, creed or sexual orientation. Fraudulent, threatening, obscene, or pornographic use for distribution, to harass or intimidate is prohibited.
  7. Attempting to gain or gaining unauthorized access to the network, any computer, or the files of another person.
  8. Undermining password security. No one should use the username or password of another; nor should anyone provide his or her username or password to another, except in the cases necessary to facilitate maintenance and repairs by the Computer Center staff.
  9. Willful misrepresentation of yourself as another person in any electronic communication.
  10. Using any College technology resource to violate local, state, or federal law or another College policy.
  11. Violating libel, copyright, fair-use, or trademark laws while using Cowley technology resources.
  12. SANCTIONS: Violators of this policy will be subject to one or more of the following:
    1. Admonition
    2. Being asked to leave the premises
    3. Suspension of computer and technology privileges
    4. Suspension of lab privileges
    5. Suspension from all Cowley College activities
    6. Removal of enrollment privileges
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