May 10, 2024
That’s A Wrap - Golden Tigers Spring Retrospective

Cowley Golden Tigers had an incredibly enriching semester filled with diverse experiences and opportunities for growth! From trips to exciting destinations like Oklahoma City and Hutchinson to unexpected adventures like the Mystery Trip, it seems there was never a dull moment. Golden Tigers Coordinator Micah Fry's thoughtful planning and flexibility ensured that even when plans changed, the participants had a fantastic time and learned something new.
Fry shared, “We tweaked our day trip policies a little bit this semester in an effort to make more spots available to more Golden Tigers, and I do feel like that was met really positively and worked very well for the program”.
The variety of courses offered in Sumner and Cowley county also provided ample chances for the Golden Tigers to explore their interests and develop new skills. Whether improving their health and fitness, delving into education and technology, or pursuing special interest hobbies, there was something for everyone to enjoy and learn from.
The Golden Tigers program is committed to providing members with engaging, educational, and enjoyable experiences near and far. With such a vibrant array of activities and opportunities, it's no wonder the Golden Tigers continue to thrive and inspire the community to embrace lifelong learning and exploration.
According to Fry, “While Golden Tigers programming doesn’t run in the summer months, it is a busy time around the office as I work on planning the coming year. Our fall newsletter with a full list of classes, day trips, and workshops will be published in early August”.
Want to join in on the fun? Visit to sign up for our Fall Newsletter and get the inside scoop on what's to come. For additional information on enrollment contact Micah Fry.
Hunter Ferguson | Integrated Communications Specialist
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005