Phi Theta Kappa
Join Phi Theta Kappa!
Founded in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa is the official community college honor society as acknowledged by the American Association of Community Colleges with over 90 years of dedication to recognizing academic excellence.
Phi Theta Kappa rewards high-achieving students and provides scholarships for continued studies as well as opportunities to travel and to develop such critical leadership skills as problem solving, project planning, team building, effective communication and conflict resolution.
Membership is based on superior academic achievement and is conferred only by invitation of our local chapters. Students must be enrolled, must have completed 12 associate degree credit hours at Cowley College, have a minimum 3.5 GPA, and be in good standing with the college to get an invitation.
There are over 1285 chapters worldwide, and 91% of Phi Theta Kappa Members complete their associate degree and/or transfer to a four-year college or university. Members can enhance “soft skills” via the Five Star Competitive Edge, which is a self-paced professional development plan for skills valued by employers that include communication, teamwork, professional etiquette and critical thinking.
- RECOGNITION: The membership certificate and key lapel pin tell the world you belong to our elite group of scholars. Additionally, letters of recommendation, a transcript notification and the opportunity to wear Phi Theta Kappa regalia at graduation will further identify you as a scholar.
- SCHOLARSHIPS: Members have access to nearly $90 million in scholarship opportunities from Phi Theta Kappa, partnering senior colleges and universities, and foundations.
- OTHER BENEFITS: Members have automatic inclusion in, a comprehensive college completion and transfer planning program.
To learn more about this prestigious group, visit with the Arkansas City or Mulvane campus sponsors listed below or go to
Alpha Gamma Upsilon Chapter
The Mission
"The Purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership nd service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence."
Chapter By-Laws
Member. In addition to meeting membership eligibility requirements as stated in Article IV and Chapter 1 of the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution and Bylaws,* each candidate for membership must have completed 12 hours of associate degree course work, (none of which is developmental course work) with a Grade Point Average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, and adhere to the school conduct code which includes no outstanding financial obligations to the college, in addition to demonstrating recognized qualities of citizenship. Grades for courses completed at other institutions will not be considered when determining membership eligibility. A cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.35 must be maintained to remain in good standing. Failure to maintain the required cumulative Grade Point Average will result in the member being removed from good standing as stated in the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution and Bylaws,* Chapter 1, Section 3. Failure to meet good standing requirements as stated in the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution and Bylaws* will cause membership and all membership privileges to be revoked.
This is a nationally recognized honor society which emphasizes leadership and service. Students must be selected for this group by invitation only.
PTK Scholarship
Apply for the PTK Scholarship to pay your membership dues. The fall deadline for submission is October 1st and the spring deadline is March 1st each year. The recipients will receive notification by the end of those months.
Monthly Meetings
Meetings are held on the last Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM in the Brown Center, Room 202 on the Arkansas City campus.
PTK Officers
President – Kaitlin Schmidt and Trey Thiel
Vice President of Membership and Fellowship – Ashlyn Thomison
Vice President of Service – Britain Dark
Vice President of Communication & Social Media – Syra Stucky
Holly Peters
PTK Chapter Advisor
Laura Wollard
PTK Chapter Advisor
Club News