Cowley College News

life through word and lens event poster
April 26, 2023
The Life Through Word and Lens student showcase will be held Wednesday, May 3, from 6:30-8 p.m at Cowley College.
Flora and Ulysses poster
April 26, 2023
In advance of Friday and Saturday performances of Flora & Ulysses, Cowley College’s Act One Drama Club will perform in front of more than 1,200 area elementary students and teachers.
students at Centennial Yard Party
April 24, 2023
Honoring the 100th anniversary of Cowley College’s main campus in Arkansas City, KS, a Centennial Yard Party was held at the school on Friday, April 21.
CTE Signing Day event
April 20, 2023
Helping celebrate students committing to a career in Technical Education, Cowley College’s main campus in Arkansas City was one of numerous schools to participate in National CTE Letter of Intent Signing Day on Thursday.
Jacey McIntire, Robyn Shaw and Breanna Long
April 20, 2023
The Cowley College Trap Club recently signed three students to scholarships in the Fall of 2023.
Cowley College writers
April 20, 2023
Reading their works in front of a full house Wednesday night inside Cowley College’s Nelson Student Center, nine current Cowley College writers joined five alumni of the college and three faculty for the final Writers Corner of the academic year.
Student Voice Recital
April 19, 2023
Sixteen Cowley College music students recently participated in the Student Voice Recital held Tuesday in the Earle N. Wright Community Room.
Zane Hubble
April 18, 2023
Earning its highest finish ever at the state championship, the Cowley College Quiz Bowl team recently placed third at the event held Friday and Saturday at the Salina Area Technical College.
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April 18, 2023
The Cowley College Board of Trustees authorized the College to enter into a lease agreement for its new Wichita location.
Hannah Nicolaisen on American Idol
April 14, 2023
Hannah Nicolaisen, a two-time All-American as a member of the Cowley College volleyball team and talented musician, recently advanced among the Top 26 competitors in the search for the next American Idol.