Sports Management Transfer

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apply business & phys ed principles to your career
Students can complete the first two years at Cowley, and then transfer to a four-year
college or university to finish a bachelor's degree.
The Sports Management program at Cowley College prepares individuals to apply business and physical education principles to the organization, administration, athletic programs and teams, fitness/rehabilitation facilities and health clubs.
Students can complete the first two years at Cowley, and then transfer to a four-year college or university to finish a bachelor's degree. General education courses taken while at Cowley will transfer to most state universities in Kansas and other states. Each student should consult the program guide for transferability requirements of the four-year institution they plan to attend.

125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005

This program can be completed online.
Learn For Free
Kansas residents can earn scholarship dollars to cover expenses and learn for free
by completing an eligible associate degree or certificate under the Kansas Promise
Act Scholarship. Contact the Scholarships Department to find out more about the Kansas Promise Act Scholarship.