Technical Studies

Gen Ed & Tech Programs
The Associate of General Studies degree with an emphasis in Technical programs allows
for students to transfer in 32 technical credits after completing an approved technical
program with at least 600* Clock hours of acceptable technical courses from an accredited
vocational technical school. An additional 30 credit hours of specific General Education
requirements are required to obtain the Associate of General Studies degree, of which
at least 15 credit hours must be completed at Cowley College. The Cowley Registrar
will determine if the technical credit completed qualifies for this degree.
This degree was developed for students who have obtained credit hours or contact hours from an accredited vocational-technical school. To be eligible for graduation, students must complete the general education requirements and transfer at least 660 contact hours or 32 technical credit hours to complete the technical requirements of this degree. If students transfer to Cowley College with less than 32 technical credit hours, additional general education courses must be successfully completed before receiving the degree.
If needed, these students can choose additional general education courses that best meet their needs. A minimum 15 credit hours must be completed at Cowley College in order for a degree to be granted.

125 S 2nd St
Arkansas City, KS 67005

2208 Davis-White Loop
Wellington, KS 67152

This program can be completed online.
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